The system status screen provides various indicators of the systems health. the system status screens can be accessed by click on the system status icon on the title bar of the MCS website. It is shown in the image below as a green dot:
If any of a server's status indicators are note green, this will be visible to the user by the dot on the title bar being yellow or red.
If there is an alert that has not been cleared, a yellow warning triangle will also appear on the title bar.
The site status screen displays activity over the entire system. It shows current and cleared alerts and has a historical log of events. There are 2 tabs that provide information on the status of the site.
The Alerts tab shows important events that have happened in the Communication Service or on the PBX. They usually require some action to be taken.
The Events tab historically records key events that have happened in the system. This includes when key services have been stopped and started, failures to connect to a PBX connection etc.
The Activity tab displays a real time indication of the state of the devices that are currently being recorded and a usage graph to show previous activity.
The server status enables the status of each server within the site to be monitored. To display the status of a specific server, click on the server name from the Sites & Servers navigation bar.
The System Warnings section shows the status of each component of the server using a traffic light system of colors to indicate the current status:
The Drive Information section at the bottom shows the amount of free disk space available for each drive in the server. This includes any locally attached drives and any archive destinations that have been configured.