MiVoice Office Application Suite - Technical Manual
Automatic Teleworker Device Provisioning

Automatic Teleworker Device Deployment

 Once the Rest API has been configured, MCS will automatically provision teleworker SIP extensions on the MBG.

The MCS will provision any SIP extension that has had the 'Use remote authorization credentials' setting configured against it:

Provisioning a SIP Teleworker Extension

To instigate the MCS provisioning of a SIP extension on the MBG, navigate to the 'Configuration -> Site Settings -> Phone Systems -> [Your PBX Name]' page. Edit the required SIP extension and then check the 'Use remote authorization credentials' check box. The MCS will pre-populate the remote authorization name and password with random values. Pressing save will update the credentials stored for the extension and will start the teleworker provisioning process.


Un-Provisioning a SIP Teleworker Extension

To un-provision a SIP extension from the MBG, follow the provisioning process but uncheck the 'Use remote authorization credentials' check box. Once save is clicked it will instigate the MCS removing the SIP User from the MBG.

This will only work for SIP extensions that were previously provisioned by the MCS. If a SIP User was manually added to the MBG it may need to be manually removed. If a SIP extension has been provisioned on the MBG by the MCS, the MBG's ID for the SIP user will be displayed on the SIP Authorization form of the extension in MCS.
When using a MiVoice Border Gateway, the internal authorization name must match the extension number of the phone otherwise authentication with the telephone system will fail.
Any SIP extension provisioned using this method will automatically have a random remote authentication username and password assigned if they do not have them set already.