MiVoice Office Application Suite - Technical Manual
MiVoice Border Gateway with 69xx Phones

69xx Phone Port Forwarding on MBG

69xx phones use the following TCP port to communicate to the MCS server:

Port Target Description
TCP 8202 MiVO App Suite Server Used to communicate to the MCS server to provide configuration, user data etc.

The other ports associated with 6900 phones (LDAP, TFTP, Multicast, Syslog) should not be opened up through the MBG.  

Configuration of the SIP devices associated with the 6900 is done automatically by the MiVoice Office Application Suite. Please refer to the Automatic Teleworker Provisioning section for more information.
 Configuring MBG Port Forwarding for 69xx Phones

 Complete the following configuration on the MBG:

SNAT must be enabled on all the port forwarding rules added.