MiVoice Office Application Suite - Technical Manual
Add and Edit Phone System
Configuration > Site Settings > Phone Systems > Add and Edit Phone System


Follow this procedure to create a new connection to the PBX.


To add a new phone system

  1. Access the Site Settings -> Phone Systems section.
  2. Click Add / Edit and then enter the requested information.
    • Type: This will always be MiVoice Office 250
    • Name: Give the Phone System entry a logical name
    • Host: Enter the IP address or hostname of the MiVoice Office 250 PBX or CT Gateway into the Host field.
    • Port: Configure the OAI connection Port, the default is 4000.
    • Password: Enter the OAI Password if one has been set, the default is with no password.
  3. Click Save.
  4. Click on Yes to import the devices from the PBX.