MiVoice Office Application Suite - Technical Manual
Site Settings
Configuration > Site Settings


The site level configuration settings are configured from here. The Site settings are accessed from the '' -> Site Settings section and provides access to the following site-wide settings.


Setting Description
Site License This provides details of the license that has been activated for this site.
Users & Business Units The configuration of Users & Business Units.
Phone Systems This enables the connection to the PBX to be configured.
Dial Plan This configures the dial plan rules that are used when making calls and controls any formatting rules that need to be use on the outside numbers.
Custom Tags This configures the custom tags for adding additional info to call records
Email & SMTP This configures the email and SMTP settings used to send out emails.
Database Maintenance This configures the maintenance and backup schedules used.
Network Shares This configures the Network Shares for transferring data to and from various parts of the solution.


See Also