MiVoice Office Application Suite - Technical Manual
Phone Manager Outbound
Configuration > Features > Phone Manager Outbound


This section enables the PBX and database details that are to be used with Phone Manager Outbound to be configured. This configuration section is generally only required on the initial setup of Phone Manager Outbound.

There is a separate website that is used for managing Phone Manager Outbound. This can be accessed from the 'Outbound' section on the main title bar of the application: 




Check the Enable option to enable the Phone Manager Outbound feature and set the ACD agent Hunt Group that Phone Manager Outbound will use. Make sure that the group number entered has been configured in Mitel Database Programming on the PBX to be an "ACD Hunt Group" with "Use ACD Agent IDs" enabled. Now when an agent logs into this hunt group on the PBX they will also be logged into Phone Manager Outbound.


Phone Manager Outbound uses its own database to store its information. With the Use default connection details option set this will be hosted within the Communication Service instance.

Un-checking this is an advanced option allows a different database instance to be used. If a different instance is to be used then this needs to be a Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 SQL Server and the relevant database and archive databases will need to be created manually. The system will require a restart for this change to take affect.

Clicking on the Test button will validate the database details.