MiVoice Office Application Suite - Technical Manual
Configuration > Servers > General > Logging

The system supports the creation of diagnostic logging to aid technical support for fault resolution. The retention limits on the amount of files generated and the size of the log files can be controlled. Automated maintenance can be scheduled to zip the logs to reduce the disk space used. The system will generate log files for all the different services that the are running and store them in separate folders within the log files folder for each of the services.


To configure the logging settings:

  1. Access the Servers Settings -> SERVERNAME -> General -> Logging section.
  2. Configure each of the settings.
    • Log files folder: The folder location to store the system logs files.
    • Max log file size: Once log files reach this size, they will be archived and a new file created (Maximum 30MB). 
    • Event logging: Enables basic logging information to be generated.
    • Advanced logging: This enables extended logging information and can generate a significant amount of information and consume high levels of disk space.
      Only enable this under instruction from a trained engineer.
  3. Configure the log archiving settings. The log archiving process is controlled by the Watchdog service on each server. The contents of the log files folder will be compressed into a single zip file and then moved to the archive folder location on a daily basis. The contents of the log files folder are then deleted. Each of the zip files has the date and time within the file name, for example the file cslogs_20130428010035.zip was will contain the logs as of the 28th April 2013 at 01:00.
    • Number of zip files to keep: The number of archive zip files to keep.
    • Archive folder: The location to keep the archive zip files.
    • Archive time: The time in hh:mm to perform the daily archive of the logs files.

Download Server Logs

This option can be used to download a ZIP file containing the current day's log files without having to access the server running the MiVoice Office Application Suite directly. The zipped file can be saved locally and then sent to Mitel support as required.