MiVoice Office Application Suite - Technical Manual
Manual Authentication Configuration

If 6.3 SP1 is not installed on the MiVoice Office 250 or for some reason the configuration of a SIP device needs to be performed manually, the details of all the settings required for a 69xx or Phone Manager Softphone are shown below.

SIP Phone Group

For each SIP Phone Group for SIP phones that are to be used as either Phone Manager Softphones, 6900 phones or SIP Hot Desk phones, the following configuration needs to be performed:

Remember to repeat this process for each SIP extension.

Manual Authentication Configuration

If a version prior to 6.3 SP1 is being used, the Inbound Authentication Credentials will need to be configured on both the telephone system and the MCS server.

If release 6.3 SP1 or higher is being used, check the App Suite Server Configuration section below.

When using a SIP Softphone it is critical that authentication is used to help prevent unauthorized access to the PBX. To configure authentication a username and password need to be set on the PBX for the relevant extension and on device configuration of the Communication Service.

To configure the authentication on the PBX follow Mitel's recommendations by enabling In-bound Authentication and setting a complex username and password combination on the associated Sip Phone Group for the extension.


This same username and password combination would then need to be set on the device configuration on the Communication Service for this extension.

 For information on configuring Teleworker phones, please refer to the Remote Connections engineering guidelines.

It is recommended that a complex password is used when configuring the authentication, such as Mitel*Server1!. If using the MBG for external connections, a complex password is a requirement and the authorization name must be the extension number.

Authorization username and passwords are stored encrypted in the MCS database.
Any changes made to the Authorization configuration of an extension within MCS or to the Node IP Addressing will be sent immediately to any 6900 handsets currently connected.


Call Configuration

In addition, the following changes need to be made to the SIP extension's Call Configuration:

* On some sites, a delay in answering calls has been noticed when using a-law. If you are experiencing this, switch to use mu-law.

** Using G.729 can affect the performance of the telephone system.

It is important to connect only one softphone to each extension number on the telephone systems. Registering more that one SIP extension with the same credentials at the same time is not supported by the telephone system and will cause problems.

If using the desktop and mobile versions of Phone Manager Softphone for a single user then ensure that each application uses different extension numbers.

Remember to configure the IP Address for each node on the system so Phone Manager knows where to send SIP traffic to.