MiVoice Office Application Suite - Technical Manual
Remote/Teleworker Connections
Engineering Guidelines > Remote/Teleworker Connections

Most installations will have some requirement to run Phone Manager (Desktop or Mobile) or 69xx phones from outside the LAN. Operating remotely will require that IP traffic is routed from outside of the network to inside the network in a secure manner.

There are three different ways to route external traffic to the Mitel Communication Service / MiVoice Office 250:

Once one of the chosen methods has been implemented, the Remote Location and Remote Node IP addresses / hostnames need to be updated so that Phone Manager/69xx phones know how to connect back to the system.


Using a virtual private network (VPN) is the simplest way of connecting Phone Manager Desktop to the MCS / telephone system from outside the local area network. Once a VPN tunnel is in place between the host client (Mobile phone or desktop PC) and the network then Phone Manager will be able to connect as normal with no configuration changes required by the end-user.

VPN is the best way of connecting Phone Manager Desktop from an external computer, especially when using Phone Manager Softphone.

Port Forwarding

Another method of connecting Phone Manager from outside the network is to use port forwarding. Port forwarding involves configuring the customer's existing firewall to forward traffic on the necessary ports through to the MCS / telephone system.

For more information on Port Forwarding please click here.

MiVoice Border Gateway

Mitel provide a dedicated proxy solution for connecting software and devices from outside the local area network. This can be used with 69xx and Phone Manager Desktop Softphones to proxy SIP connections to the telephone system.

For more information on the MiVoice Border Gateway please click here.