MiVoice Office Application Suite - Technical Manual
Client Locations
Configuration > Site Settings > Client Locations


The addresses configured here are used by the various client applications to connect back to the Communication Service (i.e. the IP address or FQDN of the Communication Service).

Clients that use these addresses (locations) are:

There are two categories of address available, Local and Remote.

Changing either of the Client Location addresses will cause the local certificate on the server to be recreated. This will mean all mobile clients will need to accept or install the new certificate before they can connect.

Local Location

The local location is for clients/phones that are running on the internal network or from the same network that the server is connected to and when there is no requirement for any NAT traversal.

The MCS will automatically populate the Local Location with the FQDN of the server if it is a member of a domain or the IP Address of the server if it is not. If the hostname or IP Address of the server changes, MCS will update the Local Location.

When using 6900 handsets, the location must be an IP Address or FQDN, it cannot be a hostname.
When using iOS handsets, we recommend using FQDN, as there are connectivity issues in certain scenarios with IP addresses for the local location.

6900 Syslog IP Address

6900 handsets will use the Local Location address for server connections but require an IP address for Syslog connections. This is because the handsets do not support FQDN for logging.

SIP Addresses

When a softphone/6900 is connected using this location, it will use this address for the server connection but will require the telephone system address for SIP connectivity. The addresses/ports for SIP connectivity need to be configured against each individual node (see the Node Configuration  section for details).

Remote Location

The remote location is for client/phone connections external to the network where the server is connected. This is used for when the connection is via a public address and uses NAT traversal through a router or firewall and where the connection IP address or host name is different to the internal IP address or FQDN of the system.

When using iOS handsets, we recommend using FQDN, as there are issues on some carrier networks with IP addresses for the remote location.

6900 Syslog IP Address

6900 handsets will use the Remote Location address for server connections but require an IP address for Syslog connections. This is because the handsets do not support FQDN for logging.

SIP Addresses

When a softphone/6900 is connected using this location, it will use this address for the server connection but will require the telephone system address for NAT SIP connectivity. The addresses/ports for NAT SIP connectivity need to be configured



To edit the client locations:

  1. Access the '' -> Site Settings -> Client Locations section.
  2. Enter the Name for this connection, this is what will be displayed to the users when they are selecting the connection to use in their client software settings.
  3. Enter a Description to describe what this connection is for.
  4. In the Local section set the Local IP Address/Hostname to be the IP address or hostname of the server.
  5. In the Remote section set the NAT IP Address/Hostname to be the NAT'd IP address or hostname of the server.
  6. Click on Save.
If using AD integrated login for Phone Manager clients it is essential that the Local Location is configured to be the DNS name of the server so that Kerberos is used for authentication not NTLM.