MiVoice Office Application Suite - Technical Manual
Configuration > Features > Call Recording > Compliance > Compliance Pause/Resume > Call Recorder Client > Logging

The logging form provides a real-time view of the information the Call Recorder Client is tracking about the application that currently has focus. Depending on the server-side configuration, the following information can be shown:


Browser Matching

Call Recorder Client works with the most common browsers to provide URL and Tab Names where possible. Over time, changes to browsers may cause issues to the Client's ability to query the information it needs and may require an updated version of the Call Recorder client to be released.

The following information can be obtained from browsers:



Browser Version URL (In-focus Tab) URL (Out-of-focus Tab) Tab Name (In-focus Tab) Tab Name (Out-of-focus Tab)
Internet Explorer 11
Firefox 46.0.1
Chrome 51.0.2704.84
Edge 20.10240.16384.0