The system decides on which number/name to use on a call by using the number being dialed as a key to look up a record in the CPN Substitution table.
The CPN Substitution table consists of a mapping between area codes and the name/number that should be used when dialing them.
The CPN Substitution table can be found in the ‘CallRecorder’ database within the MCS SQL instance. The table is called – ‘_AS_AreaCodeMapping’.
Currently, there is no way to import data into this table automatically, data will need to be added manually by the customer.
Column | Description |
[AreaCode] [varchar](15) NOT NULL |
The Area Code to dialed numbers will be searched against. |
[CallerID] [varchar](20) NOT NULL |
The calling party number that will be presented when making the call. |
[CallerName] [varchar](100) NOT NULL |
The calling party name that will be presented when making the call. |
[Idx] [bigint] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL |
Not currently used |
The ‘AreaCode’ column can be populated with as many digits of a phone number as required. The stored procedure will find the match with the longest number of digits when using the dialed number to search. This allows for specific caller id’s to be present for a specific target number at the same time as presenting a generic caller id for an area code.
For example, the following entries are in the mapping table:
AreaCode, CallerID, CallerName
1480, 4802221111, Area Based CPN
14809619000, 4801112222, Customer Based CPN
If a user is dialing 1-480-961-9000, a match will be found on the full number and the area code. The full number is longer so the customer based CPN will be used in this scenario. If a user is dialing 1-480-962-1000, the only match will be on the area based CPN.
All entries in the CPN Substitution table's ‘AreaCode’ column must contain the toll digit and must not contain any non-numeric characters.