MiVoice Office Application Suite - Technical Manual
Database Maintenance
Configuration > Site Settings > Database Maintenance

The system uses a Microsoft SQL Server database to store the details of the call history and the configuration of the system. Due to the amount of call data that is stored within the database it is necessary that regular maintenance occurs and reliable backups are performed. The system has built in support for performing these actions.

When maintenance runs the databases are backed up and then the call history database entries are moved into an archive database. This enables the current database to remain relatively small and maintains performance.

Database Description
CallRecorder The working database for the MCS solution. Used to store configuration information (User, PBX), chat history and the call data for the current day.
CallRecorderArchive_1 The first archive DB used by the system, stores historical audit and call data.
CallRecorderArchive_N Additional archive database where is N is a numeric value which increases over time. New archive databases are created if the time or record limit is reached of the current archive database.


When using the MiVoice Office Call Recorder features of the solution, audio files are not archived until the associated call data record has been archived using the database maintenance process. For more information please refer to the Call Archiving section.



To configure the maintenance settings:

  1. Access the Site Settings -> Database Maintenance section.
  2. Enter the details in the relevant areas.
    • Backup database daily: This enables or disables the daily automatic backup of the database.
    • Backup path: This defines the path where the backup file (.bak file) will be stored relative to the server.
      Ideally this should be changed to a different server to ensure that a backup is available in case of server hardware failure.
    • Backup time: This sets the time to perform the backup in 24 hour format.
    • Database archiving enabled: This enables the movement of the call logging data from the main database to the Archive databases.
    • Archiving period: This defines the period of time that each archive database should store. This value should only be changed under high call volumes when the Microsoft® SQL Server limits are being exceeded or where performance is affected by high volume. By default, the system will automatically create a new archive database once the limit of 1 million call records per archive database has been reached or 12 months has passed.

Manually Archiving

It is possible to request an archive of the call information in the database manually. This can be done by using the 'Archive Now' feature. Once the archive has been request, check the Event tab on the dashboard and filter for the 'Mitel MCS DB Service' to check the status.

Requesting a manual archive also performs a database backup.