MiVoice Office Application Suite - Technical Manual
Users and Business Units
Configuration > Site Settings > Users and Business Units


The Communication Service controls who can access the system and features by requiring each person that needs access to have a user account configured. These users are different from the PBX users or Microsoft® Active Directory users - although they can be linked. Each Communication Service user account has authentication details configured against it; either with a username and password, or a Windows logon name if Active Directory authentication is being used.

In order to use Windows authentication for the User it is necessary to enable this in the Website settings.

The privileges that are needed are then controlled for each user via User Roles, and this controls what they can do with the system. For example a supervisor user could be granted access to the configuration section of the website and allowed to manage other users, whilst a basic user could have no access to the website and only connect using a Phone Manager client.

As each user will generally be a PBX user and making and receiving calls, multiple extensions and/or agent IDs can be associated with them. This enables all the calls a user makes (even if they have multiple devices) to be associated with them and provides Phone Manager with the extension and agent IDs that it needs to connect with. This also reduces the configuration information that an end user needs to provide and ensures that they connect using the correct details.

When a user has the Phone Manager role enabled they will have a Client Profile assigned to their user account and this will control what features are available to them. This determines what license that they will use and other options that control what features they can access from Phone Manager.

Users are organized into Business Units within the site to group them into logical departments or teams. These departments can be linked to existing Operational Units (OUs) in a Microsoft® Active Directory if required.

Users can be manually created if necessary but in order to keep maintenance of users to a minimum, most customers would opt to automatically create users. (See User Auto-creation section).

If you are planning to automatically create users make sure to plan in advance of the installation to establish the process and ongoing maintenance of the Users. For example, if you plan to create users based on Active Directory then the customer's IT manager needs to be consulted. 

The Business Units are grouped and maintained in a tree style structure with the users assigned to a specific unit. Individual users can be drag and dropped into different units. The different types of Users and Business units are shown by the type of icon shown against each entry.

Type Description
 Users:  This is an individual user on the system.
 Business Unit This is a specific business unit.
 Unassigned User Business Unit This contains any users that are not assigned to a specific business unit.
 Deleted User Business Unit This contains any users that have been deleted.
Selecting a specific Business Unit will turn the text orange and then display all of the Users within the Unit on the right hand side.


See Also