MiVoice Office Application Suite - Technical Manual
Access Filters
Configuration > Site Settings > Users & Business Units > Security > User Roles > Access Filters


A user can be given access to or denied access to calls in addition to their Access Scope by assigning them to a configured Access Filter. Additional information associated with a call can then be used to create the Access Filter including adding additional Business Units.

Before using Access Filters consider if you can configure the Business Units to achieve the desired result more easily via the Access Scope. The Access Filter should only be used for exception cases.


To configure the Access Filter:

  1. Access the Site Settings -> Users & Business Units -> User Roles ->  Access Filters configuration section.
  2. Click on New to open the Access Filters details.
  3. Configure the filter, see the Add & Edit Access Filter section for details.
  4. Click on Save.

The new access filter will then be displayed on the grid and can be used within the User Roles section.

A user must have an Access Scope or Access Filter before they will be given access to the Recordings section of the website.
See Also